Richard Hoskins
Role: Senior Independent Director and Chair of the Audit Committee
Appointed: May 2022, Independent Non-Executive Director Compare the Market Limited, March 2024 SID. (Prior to this he was an Independent Non-Executive Director of the Group parent company, BGL (Holdings) Limited from January 2020 to July 2021)
Committee membership: Chair of Audit Committee, member of Board Risk, Nomination and Remuneration Committees
Until his retirement in 2019, Richard was Group CFO and Executive Board Director at FTSE 250 insurer Hastings Group, where he played a lead role in its successful IPO in 2015 and was responsible for all Finance and Investor Relations activities.
Throughout his three-decade long career, spent in the UK, US and Australia, Richard has held multiple senior executive positions. These include CFO of AIG’s Global Commercial Insurance business, CEO of Aviva North America, where he was also a member of the Aviva Group Executive Team, CFO of Old Mutual US and Acting Group FD at Old Mutual. Earlier in his career Richard worked for the National Australia Bank and Lend Lease Group, holding a number of senior positions including Head of National Australia Bank’s European insurance business. Richard sat on the Board of BGL Insurance from July 2021 and served as Chair from November 2021 until its sale by the BGL Group in April 2022. Richard is currently Chair of the Board and Nominations Committee at Liberty Managing Agency Limited. Richard is also Senior Independent Director, subject to regulatory approval, and Chair of the Audit Committee at Nucleus Financial Platform Group and a Non-Executive Director and Chair of the Audit and Risk Committee at Aztec Group Limited.
Richard holds a Bachelor of Arts with Honours degree in Business Studies from Sheffield University and is a Member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales.