Timo Boldt
Role: Independent Non-Executive Director
Appointed: July 2021, Independent Non-Executive Director Compare the Market Limited. (Prior to this he was an Independent Non-Executive Director of the Group parent company, BGL (Holdings) Limited from September 2020)
Committee membership: Member of Nomination Committee
Timo is Founder and CEO of Gousto, which was established in April 2012. Gousto today is the UK’s leading recipe kit company, offering customers the most choice, best price point, and most convenience. Timo brings deep experience in data and technology, as well as digital marketing. Prior to founding Gousto, Timo worked in investment banking and for a hedge fund.
For four years he was a member of the Unilever Digital Advisory Board and is currently a Non-Executive Director at OakNorth Bank plc, a UK bank for small and medium sized companies. Timo has an Executive MBA from the University of Cambridge, and gives guest lectures in digital marketing, data science and technology related topics.