Compare home phone packages
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Home phone packages
Almost everyone has a mobile phone these days, so is it still worth having a landline? Well, yes actually. There are benefits to keeping a home phone line. So, if you're thinking of getting one, here's what to consider.
Frequently asked questions
Is it worth having a landline?
These days, more of us are making the switch to mobile. According to Statista, 76% of UK households had a landline as of February 2018, compared with 83% in 2016. But there may be advantages to sticking with your home phone, including:
- Guaranteed reception and a better quality line
How much you benefit from this will depend on where you live. If you’re in a rural area, with limited reception, you’ll rely more on your landline. City-dwellers will probably get by just fine with their mobile. Landlines are generally more reliable, however.
- You may need a landline to get broadband
You could get cheaper broadband if you package it with your landline. And you’ll more than likely have a lot more choice. Some providers will only offer broadband if it’s coupled with a home phone.
- It’s cheaper to call abroad from a landline
If you make a lot of international calls, you’ll benefit from keeping hold of your landline. It can be a lot more expensive to dial abroad from a mobile.
Should I get rid of my landline?
There are, however, a few reasons why mobile makes more sense, including:
- No charges for line rental
Landline rental can cost around £18 a month. So ditching your landline could save you over £200 a year.
- Fewer interruptions from cold-callers
You’ll still get unwanted sales calls on your mobile, but not nearly as many as you get on a landline.
- Mobile contracts are often cheaper
Depending on your contract, you might get free calls to landlines. You can also make free calls via FaceTime and Skype.
How do I buy a home phone package?
Compare the Market doesn’t offer comparison of standalone landline deals. But if you bundle a landline with your broadband or TV, we can help. This is usually more convenient, since you’ll only have one bill to deal with.
Combining your home phone and broadband could also reduce your monthly bill. And it can be even easier if you combine your broadband, phone and TV. It’s also worth bearing in mind that, while you can buy broadband without a landline, you may be limited in terms of providers.
What do I need to think about when comparing home phone deals?
This depends on the kind of deal you’re looking for. The options are:
Combined phone and broadband
A combined phone and broadband package might be a cheaper option, even if you’re not planning to have a home phone line installed. And having one provider keeps things simple.
Combined TV, phone and broadband
Should you combine your broadband, phone and TV, into a single deal? Well, it can simplify your bills. You might get extra perks too. You’ll need to think about how many channels you want, and which ones. Is it worth paying for movie and sports channels, for example?
When comparing options, ask yourself:
- How much are local, national and international calls?
- How much does line rental cost?
- Is there an activation fee?
- Are there charges for a broadband router, or any other
- equipment or installation?
- Is the provider offering any perks, like free TV channels?
How do I compare phone and broadband packages?
It’s easy. Simply start a quote, tell us your postcode and we’ll help you quickly compare deals. Start comparing today and see if you can start saving.