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Learner driver insurance

  • Buy learner driver insurance for up to £769/year[1]
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[1] 51% of learner drivers could achieve a quote of up to £768.71 for their car insurance based on Compare the Market data in December 2024.

What is learner driver insurance?

Learner driver insurance – or provisional insurance – lets you drive a friend or family member’s car while you’re learning to drive. It also protects the car owner’s no-claims discount (NCD) should you have an accident.

Learner driver insurance can be bought as an annual or short-term policy. Temporary learner insurance could be handy if you just want some extra practice in the run-up to your test.

Do learner drivers need insurance?

Yes, anyone driving in the UK is legally required to have car insurance. You’ll also need a valid UK provisional driving licence.

Most professional driving schools include insurance in the price of the lessons. But if you want to practise in your own car – or in a friend or relative’s car – you’ll need your own insurance.

If you want to have driving lessons with a driving instructor in your own car, make sure your learner insurance covers this. Not all policies do.

If you’re shopping around for a good deal on learner driver insurance, Compare the Market offers quotes for drivers aged 17 and over.

How does car insurance for learner drivers work?

Learner driver insurance gives you cover that’s separate from the vehicle owner’s car insurance. This means that if you have an accident, it won’t impact their NCD.

Here’s how it works: 

1. Get covered

To start comparing quotes for learner driver insurance, you’ll need to:

  • Be a UK resident
  • Be aged 17 to 75
  • Be intending to practise in a registered vehicle with a valid MOT
  • Be free of any points on your licence or previous motoring convictions
  • Not have been disqualified from driving in the past 18 months
  • Have the car owner’s permission to practise in their car. 

2. Start practising 

As soon as you’ve found a policy and paid the premium, you can start practising. But there are a few things to bear in mind:

  • You’ll need to be supervised by a qualified instructor, or a friend or relative over the age of 21 who passed their test at least three years ago
  • You’ll need to have your L plates on (D plates in Wales)
  • You’ll need to make sure the car you’re practising in is roadworthy and taxed 
  • You’re allowed to practise driving with as many passengers as the car can legally carry.

3. Pass your test

Once you’ve passed your driving test, you’ll no longer be covered by your provisional insurance policy. You’ll need to set up car insurance as a new driver. 

Until you have that new insurance policy set up, you won’t be able to drive legally. So make sure you have someone with you who can take you home from the test. Alternatively, you could organise temporary car insurance on the spot. 

Types of provisional insurance policy for learner drivers

There are three levels of provisional insurance cover to choose from:

  • Third-party only – this is the minimum cover required by law. It only covers you if you injure other people or damage their property.
  • Third-party, fire and theft – offers third-party cover, but also offers cover if your car’s stolen or damaged by fire.
  • Comprehensive – this includes all of the above benefits and can also cover injuries to you or damage to your car.

You’ll also need to decide how long you want learner driver insurance.

According to government data, it takes 45 hours of professional instruction and 22 hours of private practice to learn to drive.

Think about how many lessons you’ll need, then decide whether you need annual or short-term cover.

  • Annual cover – this is the most common form of car insurance. It gives you cover for the whole year and can be easily renewed at the end of the term.
  • Short-term cover – some insurance providers offer temporary learner insurance by the day, week or month. This is more expensive, but might be ideal if you’re only looking to practise with a friend or family member a few times before your test.
  • Pay-as-you-go (PAYG) cover – a more flexible alternative to annual car insurance. It can be a good option for learner drivers, or low-mileage drivers, who want to pay by the hour or day. 

If you’re going to be practising with one friend or family member in particular, you can be added as a named driver on their policy. This allows you to drive their vehicle while supervised, although it may increase their premium.

Unlike learner driver insurance, if you have an accident as a named driver it will affect the car owner’s no-claims discount.

What does learner car insurance typically cover?

Depending on your policy, learner driver insurance could cover:

  • Accidental damage, fire damage or theft 
  • Third-party liability – if you injure someone or damage their property
  • Medical expenses – if you or one of your passengers is injured 
  • Taking your driving test.

What isn’t typically covered by learner driver insurance?

Some policies might also place restrictions on where or how many miles you can drive. Check the policy details carefully to see what you’re covered for. 

Will learner driver insurance cover me when I take my test? 

Yes, learner driver insurance will cover you if you take your test in your own car. However, the moment you pass the test, you’ll no longer be insured. You’ll need to take out car insurance for a new driver before you’re able to legally drive again. 

If you fail your test, you should still be covered to carry on practising. But check to make sure that’s the case. And if you timed your learner insurance to end on the day of your test, you’ll have to extend it.

Most professional driving instructors will allow you to take your driving test in their car, which should be fully insured for that purpose. 

Who is eligible for learner driver insurance?

Eligibility can vary among insurance providers, so you’ll need to check whether you and the car meet the requirements for learner insurance. In general:

The learner driver must:

  • Hold a current, provisional UK driving licence
  • Be a permanent UK resident
  • Have no motoring offences, penalty points or convictions

The vehicle must:

  • Be UK registered with a valid MOT and no modifications
  • Be less than 40 years old
  • Be worth less than a certain amount - usually £40,000
  • Not be a hire or rental vehicle

When is the best time to take my driving test?

You can take your driving test at any time of the year. But our research has found that some months may be linked with higher pass rates than others.

April seems to be the best month to pass your test, with a pass rate of 52.4%. The summer months of July (52.1%) and August (51.4%) also have high success rates.

February has the worst pass rate, at just 49.4%. This might suggest that the warmer, drier months provide the best conditions for you to pass your test on the first try.

Increase your chances of passing with private practice

Alongside professional lessons, the Driver and Vehicle Standards Agency (DVSA) recommends getting as much private practice as possible before attempting your driving test.

Data from the DVSA shows that the pass rate for practical driving tests from 2023/24 was 47.9%. That’s down from 48.4% in 2022/23.

Learner drivers are encouraged to delay their driving test and give themselves more time if they don’t feel ready to pass.

The DVSA’s Ready to Pass? campaign provides useful advice and tips on increasing your chances of passing your test. This includes help and guidance on learning vital skills, managing your nerves and taking mock tests.

What’s the most suitable type of car insurance for learner drivers?

This will depend on your personal circumstances and budget. Comprehensive car insurance provides the highest level of cover for learner drivers.

How much is learner driver insurance?

51% of learner drivers between 17-24 could achieve a quote of up to £769[1] for their car insurance based on Compare the Market data.

[1] 51% of learner drivers could achieve a quote of up to £768.71 for their car insurance based on Compare the Market data in December 2024.

How can I get a cheaper learner insurance quote?

While insurance for learner drivers is unlikely to be cheap, here’s how you could reduce the cost.

Choose your car carefully

Some models are much cheaper to insure than others. The lower the insurance group your car is in, the less you’ll typically pay.

Consider black box or telematics insurance

A telematics insurance policy uses a small device or an app to monitor your driving habits, including: 

  • Your speed
  • Your steering and braking
  • Where you drive
  • Your mileage.

If you can prove you’re a safe, careful driver, you could save on your insurance when it’s time to renew.

Share your car with an experienced named driver

You could reduce the cost of your premium by adding an experienced named driver to your insurance policy.

The insurance provider takes both drivers’ information into consideration and creates a price based on each of you sharing the car. 

But be mindful of fronting– a type of car insurance fraud where a more experienced driver claims to be the main driver, when they’re not.

Choosing to pay a higher voluntary excess

The excess is the amount you contribute to a car insurance claim. Choosing to pay more can mean a cheaper premium.

To see how much of a difference it will make, try changing the voluntary excess when comparing quotes. Just make sure you can afford the excess if you need to claim.

Shop around for a competitive quote

It’s always a good idea to shop around before deciding on an insurance policy. At Compare the Market, we can help you compare quotes from a range of insurance providers.

Get more tips on getting cheaper car insurance.

What do I need to get a learner driver insurance quote?

To get a learner driver car insurance quote, we’ll need a few details, including:

  • Your name, how old you are and where you live
  • Your car registration number
  •  Your past driving history – whether you’ve been involved in an accident or made a claim in the last three years.

Once we have the info we need, we can send you a list of suitable quotes to compare.

Compare the Market can only offer quotes for those aged 17 and over.

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Author image Julie Daniels

What our expert says...

“Everyone needs insurance when learning to drive, but the choice of cover – and the cost – can seem overwhelming. If you’re having professional lessons, then learner driver car insurance is usually included in the price. If you want to practise with a friend or parent, you could ask them to add you as a named driver to their insurance policy. This will give you the same level of cover as they have.”

- Julie Daniels, Motor insurance expert

Why compare learner driver insurance with Compare the Market?

We independently compare a wide range of trusted UK car insurance providers to offer provisional licence drivers great car insurance deals.  

We’ll show you policies based on price, cover level, add-ons, and annual or monthly payment terms – helping you compare quotes based on your needs.

We compare 187 car insurance provider products[2]

Get a quote in just 8 minutes[2]

Rated Excellent on Trustpilot[3]

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Correct as of December 2024.

[3] As of January 2nd 2025, Compare the Market had an average rating of 4.8 out of 5 from 64,551 people who left a review on Trustpilot. The score 4.8 corresponds to the Star Label ‘Excellent’.

Learner driver insurance FAQs

Why is learner driver insurance so expensive?

Learner drivers have higher premiums because they’re considered riskier to insure. They tend to be involved in more accidents than older and more experienced drivers.

How long does learner driver insurance last?

Learner driver insurance lasts until the moment you pass your test or need to renew your policy.

Once you’ve passed your driving test, you’ll need to cancel your provisional insurance and take out a new policy as a qualified driver.

What are the rules for learning to drive?

As a learner driver, you’ll have a provisional driving licence, which carries some restrictions. These include:

  • Not driving without supervision. The accompanying driver must be over 21, fit to drive and have held a licence for at least three years
  • Not driving on motorways. Unless you’re with an approved instructor and the car is fitted with dual controls
  • Not driving without L plates. By law, L plates must be displayed at the front and back of the vehicle whenever you’re driving.

Will adding a learner driver to my policy increase my premiums?

Adding a learner driver to your policy could push up the price of your premium. This is because learners are seen as a greater risk by insurance providers.

Will learner driver insurance count towards a no claims discount?

Typically, yes. Learner driver insurance should count towards a no-claims discount as long as you don’t make a claim. But you’ll need to check with your provider to make sure.

Can I get learner driver insurance if I need to retake my test because of a conviction?

It’s unlikely you’ll qualify for learner insurance if you need to retake your test because of a conviction or ban. You’ll need to get a specialist policy aimed at convicted drivers.

Can more than one learner driver be insured on the same car?

Yes, more than one learner driver can be insured on the same car. But they’ll need to have separate insurance policies.

Can I be insured for more than one vehicle?

Yes, you can get learner driver insurance for more than one vehicle. But you’ll need a separate policy for each car you drive.

Can I get car insurance if I’m aged 16?

Some 16-year-olds can get car insurance, but we only compare quotes for drivers aged 17 and above.

You can legally drive a car when you’re 16 if you receive the higher rate of Personal Independence Payment (PIP) for mobility. If you have a car provided by the Motability scheme, insurance comes as part of the package.

However, if you’re looking for insurance to drive a non-Motability car, it’s likely to be trickier. Car insurance providers typically don’t cover drivers aged under 17, so you might need to look for specialist cover.

An insurance broker may be able to help.

What extra cover is available for learner drivers?

Extra cover you might want as a learner driver includes:

  • Personal accident cover – could pay out if you or a passenger are injured or killed in an accident.
  • Motor legal protection – helps cover the costs of legal fees you might face as a result of an accident that wasn’t your fault.
  • Breakdown cover – roadside assistance to get you back on the road as soon as possible.
  • Courtesy car cover – gives you a car to use when yours is being repaired after an accident.
Page last reviewed on 13 JANUARY 2025
by Julie Daniels