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Can I move my gas or electricity meter?

There are a few reasons you might want to move your gas or electricity meter. From the cost involved in relocating it to the people you should contact, we’ll guide you through the process of moving an energy meter safely.

There are a few reasons you might want to move your gas or electricity meter. From the cost involved in relocating it to the people you should contact, we’ll guide you through the process of moving an energy meter safely.

Written by
Dan Tremain
Energy and business energy expert
Last Updated
4 MARCH 2024
4 min read
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Is it possible to move a gas or electricity meter? 

Yes it is. But there are costs and certain restrictions involved, so you might want to ask yourself if it’s essential.

You may simply want to move your meter for aesthetic reasons, but in other instances it’s less a matter of preference and more one of necessity.

You may be able to get your gas or electricity meter moved if:

  • You’re finding it difficult to access or read your meter
  • You’re having building work done, like an extension, that could damage the meter.

Can I move my gas or electricity meter myself?

No. It’s illegal (and dangerous) to move your meter yourself. You’ll need a skilled professional to do it for you.

They’ll need to know:

  • Where your meter is now
  • How far you want to move it
  • Why you want to move it
  • The type of meter connector you have (if it’s a gas meter)

Who do I need to contact to move my gas or electricity meter?

That depends on the location of your meter and how far from its original position you want to move it. 

If you want to move it no more than a metre, you can simply get in touch with your current energy supplier

If you want to move it more than a metre, for example to another room or an outdoor meter cabinet, you’ll need to contact your electricity distributor or gas transporter – the relevant local power networks. 

Depending on the work needed, you might also need to call a gas engineer or electrician for assistance. They’ll cover things like preparatory digging, fitting a meter box or reconnecting your energy supply.

What might prevent my energy supplier from doing the job? 

In certain situations, the work needed may be beyond the capabilities of your energy supplier, even if the new location is less than a metre away – for example if the meter is above your front door, in a cupboard or surrounded by shelves.

The length of available cabling and, in the case of gas meters, the type of connector you have may also need to be taken into consideration.

How much does it cost to move my meter?

As a general rule, the further you want to move the meter, the greater the cost. If your energy supplier’s handling the move, they’ll give you a quote when they receive your request.

To relocate a gas meter, costs range from an estimated £400 to £1,000, plus labour.

For electricity meters, the starting price is lower – around £75, unless your electricity distributor is involved in the process. This bumps up the starting price to around £400.

And remember, you may also want to pay a painter and decorator to touch up the newly-exposed wall where the meter used to be, so you’ll need to factor in those costs too.  

How can I get my meter moved for less? 

If you’re not happy with the quote you receive, there are ways you might be able to cut costs.

Since the meter move has to be done by your current energy supplier (if it's being moved less than a metre away), you could try shopping around to see if switching energy suppliers first produces a better quote for the work.


Can I get my meter moved free of charge?

Priority customers might be able to have their meter moved by their energy supplier for free if they can prove they’re having trouble reading or accessing it.

You’ll most likely be considered a priority customer if you’re:

  • A pensioner
  • Disabled
  • Suffering from a long-term illness
  • On your supplier’s Priority Services Register.

Are there any other ways I can keep costs down?

While we can’t help you lower the cost of moving your electricity or gas meter, we might be able to help you save on your energy bills.

With Compare the Market’s simple comparison service, we make it easy for you to compare energy plans from energy suppliers in the UK.


Frequently asked questions

How long does it take to move a meter?

The actual process of moving the meter should only take a few hours. But applying and preparing can take four to six weeks. It’s best to get the ball rolling as soon as you know the date you need the work done by.

Can I move a smart meter?

Yes, the process is more or less the same as moving a traditional meter. The cost of moving a smart meter is comparable to moving a gas meter.

What if I’m getting a new smart meter installed?

If you’ve asked your energy supplier to replace your traditional meter with a smart meter, installation should be free.

Your smart meter will be placed where your current meter is. But it’s a good opportunity to ask the installer if your new meter could be moved to another position.

If you’re planning on extending or renovating in the future, it’s worth installing your new smart meter somewhere it won’t get in the way of building works. That way you won’t have to go to the trouble of getting it moved again.

Will my MPAN/MRN number change if I move my meter?

Your electricity MPAN and gas MPRN numbers identify the energy supply to your home. So if you’re moving your meter to another position in the same property, the numbers won’t change.

Can I move my meter outside?

It is possible to move a gas meter outside, but remember, it’ll be expensive if the new position is more than one metre away from your meter’s current position.

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